Task BMG11 - what can we conclude ?
To deal with this assignment, you should take a look of results from the article of Kim et al., see here
In Figure 4, panels B and C, results are shown of genomic mapping realized with chromatin immunoprecipitation, relative to AcH3 (acetyl-lysine in Histone H3) and to MeH3K4 (methyl-lysine 4 in Histone H3), which are specific modifications found in nucleosomes.
Looking at results obtained for the known gene PIK4CB (panel B) and for the unknown locus ENm010 (panel C),what can be conclude about the role of these histone modifications ?
1. In which part of the T.U. are modifications clustered ?
2. What you can guess about the roles of these histone modification on the transcription of genes, and where do you get this conclusion from?
NOTE: I will read only the first 4 (four) lines of your replay.